Rmblr x Common Ground 91st Mass Trespass Hike!
91st Mass Trespass with Rmblr & Common Ground
When Rmblr was christened in 2017, outdoorism represented a modern form of escapism and rebellion which drew us straight in. Fast forward to 2023 and that spirit lives on, with credit due to the world of hiking groups popping up all over the UK, like our local Common Ground.
Common Ground (@cmn.ground) was started by a group of 6 friends in 2022, and since then, they’ve organised a series of regular rambles across England, Wales, and Scotland, traversing all nature of pastures with a lighthearted and genuine enjoyment of the outdoors.
We teamed up with Common Ground in April for this year’s Mass Trespass, An activity where in 1932, hundreds of people defied the law to walk over hills and moorland they were previously forbidden from visiting.
See the brilliant Right To Roam’s page for further information on land access in the UK.
Here's a link for you to download all of the developed pictures from the day,
Catch you out there.